Old games for new times

This school year elementary school OŠ Riharda Jakopiča participates in the Erasmus+ project KA210 called »Old games for new times«

The theme of our project is traditional children’s games, and its implementation has been conceived through three interesting and creative activities to distract children from the screen.

This project will last 18 months. Teachers and students will participate in its implementation. The coordinator of the project is Elementary School »Jovan Sterija Popović« from Belgrade, Serbia, and our school is a partner together with Elementary School »Pehlin«, from Rijeka, Croatia.


Stare igre v novem času

V letošnjem šolskem letu OŠ Riharda Jakopiča sodeluje v projektu Erasmus+ KA210. Tema projekta so tradicionalne otroške igre v novem času. Izvedba projekta bo vključevala tri zanimive in kreativne aktivnosti, da bi otroke odvrnili od ekranov. Projekt bo trajal 18 mesecev.  Koordinator projekta je OŠ »Jovan Sterija Popović« iz Beograda. Naša šola je partnerska šola skupaj z OŠ »Pehlin« iz Reke.


(Skupno 62 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)